Have Sovereignty Over Your Gifts, Power, And Prosperity To Be An
Leading Courageously With Your Soul Mission
You’ve been doing well by anyone else’s standards, 

but you know if you could let go of the little places you’re still hiding, 
Your body feels and your heart knows that it’s time to rise and claim your bigness. You want it all, but not by forcing or pushing, but from flow. 

This 4-month journey will uncover your deepest wounds and make them your soul medicine to boldly love yourself and never second guess your value.

Unapologetically, you will claim your divine birthright of wealth consciousness all while surrounded by other women who see you at your highest potential. 

Leaving your comfort zone behind, you will step into the mystery of your intuition and healing abilities, knowing that once you ignite these inherent gifts, you will always have a potency and edge that will magnetically draw others to you
will see you become the ruler of your life.  
Have Sovereignty Over Your Gifts, Power, And Prosperity To Be An
Leading Courageously With Your Soul Mission
You’ve been doing well by anyone else’s standards, 

but you know if you could let go of the little places you’re still hiding, 
Your body feels and your heart knows that it’s time to rise and claim your bigness. You want it all, but not by forcing or pushing, but from flow. 

This 4-month journey will uncover your deepest wounds and make them your soul medicine to boldly love yourself and never second guess your value.

Unapologetically, you will claim your divine birthright of wealth consciousness all while surrounded by other women who see you at your highest potential. 

Leaving your comfort zone behind, you will step into the mystery of your intuition and healing abilities, knowing that once you ignite these inherent gifts, you will always have a potency and edge that will magnetically draw others to you
will see you become the ruler of your life.  
  • 3 Months
  • ​12 LIVE MasterClass Zoom Videos with Q&A after (90 minutes)
  • ​Bi-weekly Zoom Calls: Q&A & Laser Coaching from Dawn Elle or Team (60 minutes)
  • ​Soul Lab Membership Portal Access for Frequency Activations, etc
  • ​Lifetime Access to the MasterClasses and Materials
  • Launch your biggest revenue generating program or venture to date through receiving the tools and information to launch and run a successful online Biz
  • ​​Gene Keys Exploration with Guest Expert
  • ​Private Telegram Group
  • ​1:1 (120 minute) Soul & Biz Intuitive Deep Dive call with Dawn Elle before program starts
You are a conscious leader, coach, healer, consultant, therapist, health practitioner, guide, or heart-focused entrepreneur who is ready to increase her impact and prosperity to generate her next level of consistent abundance whether that’s $5k to $100,000 a month. 
You've taken radical responsibility as a co-creator and invested at great lengths in yourself to grow and transform, but still feel a sense of playing small and is fully committed to have the visibility that will easily attract your tribe.
You’re ready to master your frequency, release stuck emotional patterns, and become a bigger container to hold your clients & biz through massive transformation and up-leveling.
You know more wealth and abundance is available to you by utilizing your full feminine essence and dropping the need for force, hustle, and burning out in your biz.
Self realization is leading you to love all of you, including your shadow, and ultimately liberating you to unleash the full potential of your soul gifts and healing abilities through an unshakeable spiritual connection.
Your soul mission feels bigger than just you. It’s now about the Legacy you’re creating and the ripple effect it will have for those you love, your community, and the planet.
You are a conscious leader, coach, healer, consultant, therapist, health practitioner, guide, or heart-focused entrepreneur who is ready to increase her impact and prosperity to generate her next level of consistent abundance whether that’s $5k to $100,000 a month. 
You've taken radical responsibility as a co-creator and invested at great lengths in yourself to grow and transform, but still feel a sense of playing small and is fully committed to have the visibility that will easily attract your tribe.
You’re ready to master your frequency, release stuck emotional patterns, and become a bigger container to hold your clients & biz through massive transformation and up-leveling.
You know more wealth and abundance is available to you by utilizing your full feminine essence and dropping the need for force, hustle, and burning out in your biz.
Self realization is leading you to love all of you, including your shadow, and ultimately liberating you to unleash the full potential of your soul gifts and healing abilities through an unshakeable spiritual connection.
Your soul mission feels bigger than just you. It’s now about the Legacy you’re creating and the ripple effect it will have for those you love, your community, and the planet.
It’s time to learn the tools to stay steady in your upward growth trajectory and continue to push your edges while trusting your intuition. 

 This is not a cookie cutter formula for success or happiness, but one that is based on you doing you.

You will be surrounded by other amazing goddesses who will become lifelong friends and supporters. They will witness you shed the last layers that have kept you from fully showing up in your life.

We are the wayshowers for a new paradigm of consciousness and healing. The world doesn’t need more information, it needs YOU to be a crystal clear vessel and channel of Source energy. 

 There will be no more separation between your higher self and you, as you will be the embodiment of love and faith flowing through you creating your most beautiful life vision. 

Leaving behind the struggle, the Empress is inspired, ready to birth new creations into the world, and knows her light will lead and guide others to their truth. 

She recognizes her value and is a gift to the world.  
It’s time to learn the tools to stay steady in your upward growth trajectory and continue to push your edges while trusting your intuition. 

 This is not a cookie cutter formula for success or happiness, but one that is based on you doing you.

You will be surrounded by other amazing goddesses who will become lifelong friends and supporters. They will witness you shed the last layers that have kept you from fully showing up in your life.

We are the wayshowers for a new paradigm of consciousness and healing. The world doesn’t need more information, it needs YOU to be a crystal clear vessel and channel of Source energy. 

 There will be no more separation between your higher self and you, as you will be the embodiment of love and faith flowing through you creating your most beautiful life vision. 

Leaving behind the struggle, the Empress is inspired, ready to birth new creations into the world, and knows her light will lead and guide others to their truth. 

She recognizes her value and 
is a gift to the world.  
  • Soul & Biz Foundations
  • Attracting Your Kismet Client to Build Your Tribe
  • Building Your Unique Offer, Program, or System
  • ​Family/Ancestral Healing to Clear and Activate your Root Chakra 
  • ​Stepping into Prosperity & Money Activations (clear money blocks)
  • ​Fine Tune your Offer through Market Research
  • ​Powerful Sales & Enrollment Process
  • Handling Sales Objections with Ease
  • Launch Strategies to Fill Program
  • ​Gene Keys to Learn more about your Genius and Gifts
  • ​5 D Leadership Paradigm
  • ​Activate Your Inner Intuitive Healer
PAY IN FULL $4,997
For the Upgraded Package with Private Sessions with Dawn, please inquire at dawnelle@liveinyourlight.com
Dawn Elle is a soul whisperer
"If it calls you, it's for you."

Cori Cauble

After working with Dawn,  I was able to increase the amount of services that I offer,  increased my reach on social media, and launched a new online class with 14 people.

Ashley Bennett

I was able to receive the clarity and vision of how to implement my next steps which were a new online training program and VIP days.

Gina Calderone

I loved that there was a Soul component and loved the retreat. I was able to step more into her intuition and feminine energy.

Jenna Pope

Dawn Elle started as an Intuitive Healer in 2007 with an emphasis in channeling, energy healing, and frequency activations for her international client base with a prior career in corporate America in pharmaceutical sales. 

As her business has grown, so has her body of work to include Soul Coaching where she leads personal and business clients to remember who they are at a soul level, tap into their inner guru, and become conscious creators and leaders. 

She also mentors other coaches, healers, and consultants to create their own sustainable 6 + figure businesses. 

Her two signature programs, “Soul Academy” and ”Empress Empire” are designed to exponentially help you see your brilliance, work your magical gifts, and step into deep self love to do the work you are meant to do on this planet. 

She also leads local and international retreats and workshops.  
Dawn Elle started as an Intuitive Healer in 2007 with an emphasis in channeling, energy healing, and frequency activations for her international client base with a prior career in corporate America in pharmaceutical sales. 

As her business has grown, so has her body of work to include Soul Coaching where she leads personal and business clients to remember who they are at a soul level, tap into their inner guru, and become conscious creators and leaders. 

She also mentors other coaches, healers, and consultants to create their own sustainable 6 + figure businesses. 

Her two signature programs, “Soul Academy” and ”Empress Empire” are designed to exponentially help you see your brilliance, work your magical gifts, and step into deep self love to do the work you are meant to do on this planet. 

She also leads local and international retreats and workshops.  
The Empress surrounds you at all times. 

She feeds the soul with her brilliance and beauty of the night sky. 

Mountain landscapes, rolling hills, and ocean waves rise like the curve of her hips. 

Her breath is the warm air of summer, her cool palms are the willow tree's shade. 

She is the peace of mind of a walking meditation. 

The Empress fills you with the entirety of the world's beauty if you let her in. 

She shows you in no uncertain terms, that you are never, ever alone. 

You are part and parcel of the glistening, pulsating world of energetic and beatific connection. 

You are her and she is you. 

She is everything and everything is you.
Sasha Graham
Enrollment is through application only.
The Empress surrounds you at all times. 

She feeds the soul with her brilliance and beauty of the night sky. 

Mountain landscapes, rolling hills, and ocean waves rise like the curve of her hips. 

Her breath is the warm air of summer, her cool palms are the willow tree's shade. 

She is the peace of mind of a walking meditation. 

The Empress fills you with the entirety of the world's beauty if you let her in. 

She shows you in no uncertain terms, that you are never, ever alone. 

You are part and parcel of the glistening, pulsating world of energetic and beatific connection. 

You are her and she is you. 

She is everything and everything is you.
Sasha Graham
Enrollment is through application only.