Imagine spending a dedicated year to become your Majestic Future Self....
An intimate 12-month container of like-minded women ready to own their Destiny  & Be the Majestic queen of Their Reality
An Intimate 12-Month Container Of Like-Minded Women Ready To Own Their Destiny & Be The Majestic Queen Of Their Reality

Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve probably had great success in most parts of your life, but there is that sneaky area that you haven’t been able to shift. 
  • ​You may have even tried therapy, a diet, read the book, listened to the podcast, but are still stuck looping in the same patterns from the past.
  • ​You yearn to do, feel, and be more. Yet, all of searching for validation externally has left you feeling emotionally bankrupt.

It’s time for a pattern disrupt. It’s time to learn how to park the past and step into the elevated brilliant future YOU.

Imagine feeling deeply intimate and connected to your truth, purpose, gifts, and desires.

This isn’t a quick fix. It takes time to rewire old subconscious beliefs and patterns that you've been operating from for years.  

That's why we have a year together to reach the subterranean content that’s been locked away and kept you stuck. 

To release your old ways of operating  & create new patterns aligned with your Future Self.

She's the cosmic eternal version of you that holds all the potentials and possibilities for your majestic life.  
I know that you want to:
  • ​Understand why you keep recreating the past
  • ​​Have agency over your power and how you use it to create your reality
  • ​Experience embodiment to deeply love yourself even through your most difficult times
  • ​Learn the tools/steps to become your Majestic Future Self
  • ​You fear that you will never figure out why you’re stuck because you can’t identify past trauma or your subconscious patterns
  • ​Don't know how to change because if you did you already would have!!
  • ​You don’t know how to be in your body and often times distract or numb yourself from your own discomfort
  • ​You let your external circumstances inform you versus your faith and trust
  • ​You may still be waiting for someone to save or validate you
The Problem Is:
  • You want to open and trust your heart with others, but don’t even know how to do it fully with yourself
  • ​You’re afraid of your own darkness…heck, you haven’t even explored it so you keep sabotaging yourself when you hit your upper limit
  • ​You may have the prestige, power, or money, but it feels empty because you want fulfillment
  • ​Your body is a foreign country to you. Pleasure is reserved for special occasions versus an everyday ritual. By being so disconnected from your body, you can’t always discern your intuitive messages
  • ​You haven’t retired your inner people pleaser 

    You may feel like this is how life just is meant to be. 

    Mainly surviving, and maybe thriving in one area. 

    You’re destined for more. 

    You can thrive in most areas of your life. 

    It’s not to say you won’t face challenges, but you will know how to rely and depend on your own inner resiliency to get through whatever is happening.

    You realize it’s your birthright to have a limitless and abundant life.
    I know it can feel overwhelming and unrealistic to think of moving from where you’re currently at to where you want to go. 

    This program will initiate you into being your own Inner Guru. By moving through my signature Reclamation Process, you will learn the foundation to move through any stage of your life while trusting yourself and thriving. 
    It won't always be easy. 

    Getting to know yourself on all levels can be confronting. 

    I will hold the mirror up to see yourself clearly because I’ve been there too.

    I’ve been in your shoes….

    I’ve had former versions of me that were so out of alignment with my soul. 

    I once was trying to keep up with what my parents and society told me I had to be. 

    I was a people pleaser and had a lot of trauma in my childhood that I still work on till this day. 

    Before I started to heal my past, I would keep recreating a lot of the same issues over and over again. 

    Especially in my relationships, I felt like a dog chasing my tail. 

    I woke up one morning determined to shift my life, and I did. 

    I had to let go of the current version I had been operating as with all of her beliefs, feelings, rituals, and ways of being. 

    I had to adopt what I wanted to feel from my future self, and my life started to change. 

    I left a toxic and abusive 8+ year relationship and learned how to deeply love myself. 

    When I started to access the fullness of my being and give myself permission to be the Queen of my epic life, other areas shifted too. 

    I know by accepting all of me, I opened up my capacity to fully receive from the Source. 

    I am now in an incredible relationship. 

    When you open up to grace, you access the realm of potentialities, possibilities, and miracles.
    Your life is meant to be emotionally-rich and fulfilling.
    An intimate 12-month container of like minded women focused on becoming their majestic future self.
    When you're sick enough of repeating the past and decide & commit to becoming your Future Self, everything changes.
    Every area of your life benefits when you are devoted to co-creating your Majestic life. 

    This container is designed to boldly eradicate poverty consciousness while claiming what you’re destined for. 

    To access the energetics and emotional mastery to become the most prosperous version of yourself to design the life of your dreams. 

    When you can envision it, you will have it.  
    This is not some "3 Steps To Happiness" program.
    You will:
    • Apply somatic trauma resolution to the past events holding you back
    • Understand how you’re early childhood has created the lens/patterns you operate from
    • ​How to co-regulate with your future self versus your past wounded self
    • ​Experience deep hypnohealing to uncover your deepest blocks
    • ​Experience multidimensional quantum healing
    • ​Be laser coached 2x a month

    The Reclamation Process

    It’s time to Reclaim and Live from Soul Alignment to Thrive.

    This program includes all of Dawn Elle’s expertise and training to deliver a highly customized and sustainable container for transformation. 

    It will be an intimate setting where the women become a high vibe community of support and connection. 

    You will be witnessed in your authenticity and held gently in your vulnerability. 

    You will inevitably soften into the true essence of your being while becoming the most expressed, strongest, and bold version of YOU. 
    Dawn Elle is believes in a mind, body, and soul methodology. She sees you in the totality of your being. Healing has to occur on all levels.  
    You can Expect to:
    •  Soften into the radiance of your heart
    • Move through and embrace your shadows into your totality
    • ​Create fulfilling relationships
    • ​Increase your prosperity and abundance
    • ​Fulfillment in your purpose and gifts
    • ​Deep intimacy with self and others
    • ​Be fully expressed in your true authenticity

    What’s Included:


    • 12 month container 
    • ​2x a month intimate group laser coaching calls (90-120 minutes) (Value $26,500) 
    • 1x Monthly Futuring New Moon Community Ritual session using astrology to set intentions (Value $2,664) 
    • (10) Masterclasses throughout year taught by Dawn Elle to support Futuring Your Majestic Life (Value $5550)
    • ​​50% off Sacred Medicine Luxe Retreat Weekend (air travel to/from not included)
    • Exclusive Telegram Support & Accountability Group
    • ​Bonus: The Disruption Plan (Futuring program) (Value $1997)

    Total Value: $36,711

    Total Value: $36,711



    • 12 month container 
    • 2x a month intimate group laser coaching calls (90-120 minutes) (Value $26,500) 
    • 1x Monthly Futuring New Moon Community Ritual session using astrology to set intentions (Value $2,664)
    • ​​​(10) Masterclasses throughout year taught by Dawn Elle to support Futuring Your Majestic Life (Value $5550)
    • 50% off Sacred Medicine Luxe Retreat Weekend (air travel to/from not included)
    • ​Exclusive Telegram Support & Accountability Group
    • ​Bonus: The Disruption Plan (Futuring program) (Value $1997)
    • ​​(12) 60 minute 1:1 Intuitive Healing or Hypnohealing sessions with Dawn Elle (Value $13,000)

    Total Value: $49,711

    Application Only for VIP

    Your Investment:

    -12k PAY IN FULL
    -15K Monthly Payment Plan (4K DOWN, 1K MONTHLY)

    But, NOT everybody is right for this program…

    This is for you…

    •  If you’re tired of making excuses and don't want to spend one more minute feeling stuck
    • ​Love connecting an intimate group of women
    • ​Ready to rewrite the events of your past so you can change your future
    • ​Love some woo coupled with some practical guidance
    • ​Want a majestic life where you are the Queen of your Destiny

    This is NOT for you…

    • If you want to fight for your limitations
    • ​If you want to compete with women and not play nice in the sand box
    • ​Want to still be the victim of past events
    • Don’t believe in magic, miracles, and manifesting
    • ​Want someone else to solve your problems for you

    Still have Questions?

    Click the link below to be taken to an application page.

    Fill out the application form.

    After you hit submit, you will be forwarded to a link to book a call with me.

    I will answer any questions and see if you're a fit for the Mastermind.

    See What My Clients Have To Say About Working With Me...

    Ashly Pfeffer

    Coach & Healer

    Investing with Dawn was a no-brainer. I felt the YES deep inside my bones. I don’t know how she does it, but she has a knack for finding the right places and the right people to co-create the most epic experiences. She truly is the Queen of Luxury and cultivating magical experiences…

    Brook Nelson


    I've worked with Dawn for a couple years and have benefited enormously from her gifts as an Intuitive Healer. Her ability to attune to and channel spiritual wisdom is profound. Dawn's guidance has helped accelerate my personal and professional growth tenfold, and I've loved working with her in both individual and group settings. If you have the opportunity to work with Dawn, you're about to experience a true gift.

    Cynthia Smith

    Executive Director

    I have often told Dawn that I want to live in a world where every person has ‘a Dawn’. I truly mean that. She has brought out a better version of me. My personal relationships have strengthened. My professional purpose has expanded. And I am finding true peace, at home and at work. I am so grateful to have her in my life - as a friend, colleague, mentor, and guide. 

    Eryn Bannister

    Physical Therapist

    Dawn Elle's intuition and guidance has progressively changed my life. I have worked with Dawn since 2015 and continue to evolve personally and professionally through her programs. My experience with Dawn has included individual coaching sessions and group coaching in Soul Academy. I encourage you to seek change and know your purpose through her programs. I have experienced growth and change that is unmatched by more traditional therapeutic approaches to self healing. 

    Jen Verruto

    Founder & Owner of Blythe Interiors

    I’ve been working with Dawn for nearly 6 years and I honestly don’t know how I ever lived without her. She is one of the most amazing humans I know. I jokingly call her my guru because that’s what she is to me, she has these incredible gifts and I just feel so grateful that she is sharing her gifts with the world and that I get to be part of it. I’m endlessly grateful that the universe had our paths cross. 

    Jodi Ross

    Real Estate Agent

    Dawn was able to help me through a difficult time in my life with some readings and a 1-day retreat. I decided to enroll in the Soul Academy to continue down the path of healing and spiritual growth. The program was eye opening and pushed me to dig deep. I learned so much about myself in the process and met some wonderful people. Dawn is wonderful to work with and definitely loves what she does. 

    Rachel Cruz

    Philanthropist and CEO

    Dawn is a God-send. She has helped me prioritize what is important in my life. Both personally and professionally. Dawn has taught me so much to name a few, the concepts of being present, dealing with wounds from the past and not letting them define me and how not to live as a victim.

    Katie Leandra

    Intuitive Body Mentor

    Life is precious and you deserve it to majestic and unforgettable.

    To not be a hostage of your emotions, doubts, and fears. 

    You are about to embark on a new path where you will build a super solid foundation for your life that you will be able to continue to use long after this program finishes. 

    This is about sustainable transformation where you become the leading lady of your life all while having fun. 

    Soul work is about coming back to our truest essences of joy and love. Let’s laugh and cry our way to enlightenment… together.  

    About Dawn Elle

    Dawn Elle Davis is an Oracle to the most prominent women in the world. Through Embodied Soul Leadership, she guides busy successful women to release past trauma and programming to create their brilliant future. 

    As a multidimensional healer and oracle, she finds the missing puzzle piece that’s blocking their prosperity and next level. By owning their wholeness and purpose, women become impactful & masterful leaders and change agents. 

    Her Reclamation Process combines psychology and spirituality to create sustainable transformation so clients become their own inner guru. 

    Dawn Elle’s style is loving while bold which allows her to be a true sacred mirror. She provides various ways for women to work with her through 1:1, group coaching, masterminds, workshops, her Facebook group the “Embodied Empress Collective”, and retreats. 

    She currently lives in San Diego, CA & is moving to Boise, ID. She has two beautiful daughters and an amazing partner she loves and adores. In her free time, you can find her traveling the world and hosting living room dance parties. 

     You can connect with her on Instagram: @dawnelledavis, on YouTube “Dawn Elle Davis” or
    Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved. Dawn Elle.